Tuesday, January 3, 2012

You're Standing in a Doorway

"The damn key won't work."
"What do you mean, it won't work?"
"It won't work! It doesn't turn! And I'm freezing!"

Beth and Dave were finally home from a long trip to see her grandparents. They were an older couple living just a few hours away, but the weather had been rainy and they were both tired and eager to get home to sleep in their own bed.

"Here, give it to me. Let me try."
She handed the key to him and said,
"You are so big and strong and capable. I'm so glad you are here to take care of little ol' me" she said with a bite in her voice.

The deadbold clicked into place and the door swung open. She would be eating her words tonight.

Beth and Dave had been married for almost five years and most of it had been blistfull and sweet. There were fights that were rooted in money, but ended in either a compromise or hot sex. Either way, with the passage of time, each fight ended and their marriage became stronger. Although, lately, Beth was bored and Dave was complacent.

They entered their home but something wasn't right. There was a smell in the air that didn't belong in their home. Smoke. It smelled smokey. But not like something was on fire. Something neither of them could put their finger on, but it made them move cautiously.

"What is that?" she whispered.
"Beats me. Smells like a campfire."

After a few steps into their cozy home they realized that someone had been in there. It wasn't that things were in disaray or were missing. They could feel someone else's presence in the home. A chill ran up Beth's spine.

"Who's there?!" Shouted Dave as he reached for the nearest weapon he could find. A broken umbrella.
"Come out now!" but no one came out.

They strided from room to room. Dave first with Beth close to his left side. Not directly next to him, but not behind him either. The umbrella like a baseball bat on his right shoulder. Beth flicked on every light as they passed each switch. Soon the house was lit up like a Christmas tree. They checked every room, every closet, every cupboard. By they time they had canvased the entire house, every door was open like wide mouths waiting to say something profound.

They found nothing. No one.

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